There was an old woman who lived in a shoe she had so many children she didn't know what to do.....................

Friday 6 January 2012

Another day another dollar!

Its been ages again since I wrote on here but nothing could have prepared me for the complete change of life that took over our family last September! That change comes in the shape of a Masters in Public Health.
We have never been busier in the Bennett household but I am loving the course and that is spurring me on to do well. I work with a lovely Health visitor once a week who is slowly becoming my second mum- we laugh all day long, I should be there for 2 years so itslovely that we get on so well. I am in a really deprived area and have been shocked at the poverty I have seen but I love helping the ones we can and really think I am in the right job which I have never thought before in all my life. However I have to get through the course first which is the hardest thing I have ever done, I am just doing my best I hope that it will all work out in the end.

Billy has had his last Christmas at school, he has applied for the Marines and is waiting to hear if he has got to the next stage, after many tears and tantrums (from me) I do hope he gets through as he really wants it and having all that motivation at 15 is rare. All in all he's a good egg!

Alfie is 8 now and remains (most of the time) a lovely little lad. he loves football, cars and playmobil. He was amazed today that his friend didn't know what the M62 was. 'Imagine that' he said. Blesshim-that's all I can do!

Ava is almost 5 and loves school more than anything in the world. She is really bright and reads her books every night. Her being my first girl through school I can definitely see the difference, she is really motivated and never needs asking to get her books out. She continues to have a 'strong personality' and challenges us most days but I would not have her any other way!

Daisy is 3 in a few weeks and is much the same. She has got louder but not much bigger. She told me this morning she was older but not bigger, she got it spot on!! She has moved to the big room at nursery and really enjoys it.

Despite the busy household we've still managed to do some lovely things and even bought a caravan ! We are doing it up when we get time and aim to take it on holiday from april. I would like it to look like the picture but not sure if we will achieve it, I have the material and the oilcloth but not the time! Its painted now inside so as soon as have a few days to get my sewing machine outI will try finish it off!!

We have had the best Christmas ever on record! Me and Gareth spent 10 full days off together and it was so lovely. We had lazy days, lovely food and drink with both sides of the families.

Its all back to it this week but we didn't mind. I think we were in slight danger of becoming hermits.

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