There was an old woman who lived in a shoe she had so many children she didn't know what to do.....................

Monday 27 February 2012

Nobody said it was easy....

We had some news that rocked our whole family recently. Our lovely mother has once again been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Its amazing how when someone close to you is struck with an illness or disease you quickly realise what is important in your life and it always turns out that it is not that much! We would all live in a tent and eat carrots for the rest of out lives if my mum could be OK.
Me and Gareth have never had loads of money (we chose to have children instead of being rich) and when things like this happen you realise that money does not matter at all.
My mums diagnoses is so far so good and we are praying every day for her, she is an amazing woman, no one comes close to her and we are confident she will be ok. Its been lovely to see my Dad with her, they have an amazing relationship, they celebrate 40 years of marriage in a few months and are an inspiration that they are still so close and strong as a couple. Me and Gareth celebrate 10 years of being together soon, and we think we have a good marriage too, I hope we are still the same in another 30!

Our kids are great at the moment, 3 of them turning a year older in the last few weeks, Daisy 3, Billy 16 and Ava is 5 next week. We never planned any of them and maybe planning would have ensured their birthdays where a little more spread out! Billy has passed his first round of Army exams and is waiting for the next stage. When he turned 16 it was a strange and
emotional time for us all, he is the exact same age I was when I had him, I remember when I had him saying he'd be half my age when I was 32 and here we are! We made it!
The pic was in the Yorkshire evening post when I was 16.

Alfie has been given a speaking part in the school production he's doing really well, . He's one of 4 boys in the whole school that went forward to take part in the production so I was proud he went for it, not easy when your 8! He still loves football and is quite good at it, he scored 2 goals last week. Ava is 5 next week and we are having a small party after school for her friends, I wasn't surprised when her teacher gave me the list of her friends and out of 10 children 7 are boys. I was the same at primary school, girls used to annoy me and to some extent they still do!! (ha ha) She
is a great little reader and is progressing really well with it. She's still full of 'it'. I am yet to work out what 'it' is. But she keeps us on our toes! Dot is just happy to be part of it all, she's grown a bit and now fits into age 2 clothing nicely. She loves wursewy (nursery) and is coming out of her little shell there. I walked into her and Ava's bedroom last week and she was all tucked up in the dolls cot (Ava was playing mum) and when I asked if she was ok she said, 'Mummy, I don't want to be the little sister anymore' Poor Dot!

The caravan is coming along nicely this week, me and Gareth got an urge to finish it so he's been painting it and i have made almost all the curtains, it will look lush! The outside it a bit shabby so I am looking into hand painting bunting all the way around it to make it more chic!

My course is going well, somehow I managed to get the second highest mark in the group for our last essay, I still don't know how but hopefully something in my brain has switched on and I will do ok, health visiting is the best job I could ever do, I love my placement days and I hope I can get through the next lot of exams and essays, right now they feel like the biggest mountain I have ever climbed but I will take it one day at a time! Its such a nice thing for me and Gareth as throughout our time together we have both been so unhappy with our jobs and have both changed careers completely, Gareth loves being a Police man, he's never been happier and hopefully another 18 months on this course and i'll be the same!!

Apart from all that I am longing for summer days............

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